Fastest Way to Relieve Hip Pain
You will learn one of the most powerful exercises, that can relieve hip, back and foot pain fast
The 3 Best Chest Opener Exercises
Best ways to open up your chest and decrease back, neck and shoulder pain!
Hierarchy of Protection
This is the basics of how our body protects us and why we may be experiencing pain. This is a truly holistic view!
Chest Opener
During the middle of Covid I started having some neck pain. I had been hunched in front of my computer for months (just like you)
Rocking Part 3
Unfortunately the less we move the harder some of the simplest movements become (that one is actually a fairly complex movement)
Rocking Part 2
Hope you enjoyed the Rocking from last week. Today we are going to talk a bit about rolling. There are many different variations of rolling as well.
Rocking Part 1
One of my favorite movements I recommend for someone who is having lower body pain is Rocking. Seriously, if you are having pain anywhere from your low back down to your feet, I almost always have you do
What IS an Athletic Trainer?
And the answer to them is yes, (except the last one) but it is not what Certified Athletic Trainers focus on. Let me explain.