Chest Opener

During the middle of Covid I started having some neck pain. I had been hunched in front of my computer for months (just like you) and really hadn't been focusing on my upper body. I had been doing a lower body stretch routine in the evenings and my legs and hips felt great. I knew I was sitting much more and didn't want it to effect my hips and back. I didn't realize how poor my posture really had been and now my neck was ever so distinctly say...."Pay some attention to me PLEASE!"

I didn't have much choice really so I started doing this and this! Within just a couple days of consistent work at night before bed with these two and my neck felt 95% better! (there were some occasional discomfort moments....but not nearly the same)

You see, when your chest gets tight it puts your upper back and neck muscles on stretch, basically just everything is out of alignment. So when you turn your head, your neck hurts. Or it could be you lift your arm and your shoulder hurts. It's all connected!

I used these 2 exercises with a client just last week and their response was I can breathe so much easier! Yes! when your hunched over it is hard for your lungs to expand as well and makes breathing harder! So make sure you are giving some love to the front of you and your chest and open it up!

If you are having neck/shoulder/upper back pain start with these.

If you are curious how I can help you with YOUR neck/shoulder pain click below and schedule a FREE call to discuss with me how I can help YOU!


5 Best Core Stability Exercises


Rocking Part 3