Rocking Part 2
Hope you enjoyed the Rocking from last week. Today we are going to talk a bit about rolling. There are many different variations of rolling as well. My favorite ones are this one and this one. These are great to learn to dissociate your upper body and lower body. You should be able to roll over just using either the upper or lower half of your body and the rest of you not contributing to the movement. This is super important if you are dealing with back pain. The ability to use your body independently and connected are important skills. This is a developmental pattern that babies use before they can walk.
This is also how babies begin to learn balance as well. This is one of the first things that I assess when working with someone who reports balance issues. It is usually a very hard movement for someone with struggling with balance issues. What is great about this is that the assessment is also the homework. Practicing this movement will get easier and balance then improves as well!
Many people with low back pain also report having some loss of balance as well. Give these two a try and leave a comment below letting me know how it goes!