Services Offered

  • Cupping for Pain Relief


    Cupping is a technique that is 1000’s of years old! It uses suction of the skin to raise it and allow more blood flow below that area. This can help bring in the nutrients the area needs to heal, as well as more blood to areas that are lacking! All helping to reduce the pain.

  • Red Light Therapy for Pain Relief

    Red LIght Therapy

    The healing powers of light are innumerable. It is literally the life source of everything on the planet. Without light, nothing grows. Red Light Therapy has been shown to help heal at the cellulare level. Allowing for true deep healing.

  • Strength and Mobility for Pain Relief

    Strength and Mobility

    These are just a few of the things I use here to help you regain your strength and mobility. Pain is your body’s way of asking for change, usually due to tightness/weakness somewhere. I address those areas (and some others) to help you reduce your pain so you can move better and feel better.